Re: Rifle proposal latest assault on deer hunting by DNR, NRC
12/11/2014 12:41 PM
12/11/2014 12:41 PM
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Let me start off by saying my comments here are from myself and not the IDHA.
Manyyears ago I warned DNR of the future when they wanted to allow the use of hand guns in deer season, I was told it was going to be VERY limited in barrel length and caliber. Then we had an assistant deer biologist who wanted to use his Encore in .243, new proposal and rifle cartidges were allowed, why, because very few people would spend the money to get one of those hand guns.
Next came the smokeless powder muzzleloaders, again I complained that we opened the door with another tool that the present rule (black powder) had never intended. I was told (and is true) the wording said muzzleloading rifle not black powder or equivalent.
Next we move to the pistol cartridge rifle, again there was concern. I was told the straight wall cartridge as well as case length would control usage, funny how after comments and intitial adoption the "straight wall cartridge" was ommitted. that opened the door to wildcat rounds.
Shotgun rounds have also improved to the point they have muzzle velocity of a 30-06 factory loads. Industries MUST improve product performance or they are left behind by competitors.
The deer hunting community has changed over the years, much of this has been by an aggressive campaign by IDNR that we have a surplas of deer and the herd needs reduced. Hunters have killed and killed, many killing and donating all in the name of feeding the hungry......and it continues today.
We also have this "opporunity" thing, we feel it is "our right" to hunt deer as long as possible with whatever tool we choose to use as long as it is effective.
I consider Don Mulligan a friend, there are parts of his article that I DO NOT agree or support. I own a .300wsm and the rifle is capable of killing at 1000 yards, but with me on the trigger it is a 200 yard at best. It will still be up to the individual should the proposed rule pass to determine what is an "ethical shot".
Doug Allman (IDHA board member) is polling the membership to establish our position. Doug has a valid point that many communities are setting strict rules on "projectiles". these ordinances restrict hunting and our ability as hunters to control wildlife populations. Allowing centerfire rifles will only add fuel to the fire.
I have talked to several CO's over the past couple of months and NONE are happy to see this rule change. I visit and read several hunting boards for Indiana daily and all hunters are reporting the same thing, deer numbers are down. Yet IDNR and the NRC want to allow a longer range tool. I have resigned myself to reality, hunters want the "easy route", tradition is gone, "Get R Done" and get back to the routine of everyday life.
To interview Phil Bloom for an article is ridiculous! Did Don think he would get an opinion contrary to the IDNR execuctive staff or the NRC? This rule proposal will sail thru...... IDNR wants it(some people) and the NRC wants it.
When it passes I will use my .300wsm to kill a deer. I like shooting the rifle and I probably wont ever book a whitetail hunt in a state where it is legal today.
Traditional whitetail deer hunting left Indiana several years ago,today it is "opportunity". We all will have to determine how we take advantage of that "opportunity".
One last note, IDNR is seeing P/R money rolling in from the gun/ammo sales, anyone think they might look at increased gun sales as a boost to those Federal dollars. It is ALL about revenue.....
Just my thoughts........
When science meets tradition there will be sparks.....
Re: Rifle proposal latest assault on deer hunting by DNR, NRC
12/11/2014 03:06 PM
12/11/2014 03:06 PM
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We're lucky so far in that there's yet to be a rule successfully imposed on us to limit the distance from highways or houses that we can hunt. Many states have this rule, and it closes off a LOT of private property to hunting. But so far we have always shot it down when it has been proposed in Indiana. But the more steps we take with allowing longer and longer range weapons, the easier it will be for the antis to nibble at our rights, with rules like "500 yards from any dwelling" and etc.
I oppose the rule change for this reason among others.
Re: Rifle proposal latest assault on deer hunting by DNR, NRC
12/11/2014 03:16 PM
12/11/2014 03:16 PM
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I have several HPRs that I seldom get to shoot, much less hunt with (from Ga and used them there). But I too am against the proposal, as Greg points out... for many reasons!
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Re: Rifle proposal latest assault on deer hunting by DNR, NRC
12/11/2014 03:27 PM
12/11/2014 03:27 PM
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Anything to make it easier to kill the allmighty whitetail deer. And so the war against this vile woodland creature continues. That and whatever generates the highest revenue for the state.
Sadly this will pass.
But I am an admitted arrogant elitist bow hunter.
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Re: Rifle proposal latest assault on deer hunting by DNR, NRC
12/11/2014 06:04 PM
12/11/2014 06:04 PM
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Jeff Valovich
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It is obvious that by bringing in a more efficient tool for killing deer that the kill numbers will rise....It has been said by Chad, our ex. biologist that these tools are not needed to achieve the wanted kill numbers we have now...he expected an increase in kills in the first few years, then it will start to drop as once again there will be fewer deer......Heck, I dont expect Indiana to break 120,000 this season....centerfires simply are not needed to control deer in this state......I wont touch rifles for deer...I'll continue on as I usually do...with my trusty bow.... I hate to see what happens in Porter Co/Lake county and the high density counties....even on the F&W areas, you cant pay me to step foot one one now as it is, but with centerfires....yowza !
"Liberalism is a mental disorder"
Re: Rifle proposal latest assault on deer hunting by DNR, NRC
12/11/2014 07:15 PM
12/11/2014 07:15 PM
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Your opinion of the IDNR and NRC was summed up very clearly by using statements such as "idiocy and lack of foresight by the people managing our deer herd for the past several years". If you think that feeling is exclusive to you towards the IDNR, take a few minutes and read some of the posts on forums from Iowa, Illinois, Ohio, and Missouri (among others).
As we all know, most Midwestern states are in the midst of reducing their deer herds and many hunters aren't happy about it. And in reality, what difference does it make how those goals are met? If Indiana does it with crossbows and (potentially) hprs, why is that so much less palatable to you, than say...Iowa doing the same thing with high numbers of does permits and party hunting?
IMHO, you are doing nothing more than trying to further your ongoing crusade against the approval of new equipment choices such as crossbows and hprs by blaming those choices for the herd being reduced.
Finally, I'll offer my opinions as to where Indiana deer hunting is headed.
1. The herd will be reduced to numbers similar to 20 years ago and hunters are going to complain about it, big time.
2. Crossbows will soon account for a larger share of the harvest than vertical bows in the archery season and continue to account for a larger share of the overall harvest as time goes on.
3. Hprs will be approved but we will not see an appreciable increase in the firearms harvest as hunters will just switch from today's allowed equipment to hprs.
4. Once herd reduction goals are met and are being maintained, I think it is likely that the the gun season will be shortened and/or moved.
5. And you still won't be happy........
Re: Rifle proposal latest assault on deer hunting by DNR, NRC
12/11/2014 07:43 PM
12/11/2014 07:43 PM
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Jeff Valovich
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What goals ?.....where/when has the DNR announced herd goal levels....did I miss something....down 10% from our high, down 5%, down 20% ???....kill numbers like 1999/2000 ?? When will we know ?? When there isnt a deer to be seen in some counties ?
"Liberalism is a mental disorder"
Re: Rifle proposal latest assault on deer hunting by DNR, NRC
12/11/2014 07:47 PM
12/11/2014 07:47 PM
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Originally posted by outdoorswithdon:
To say I am the only person who thinks Indiana's deer herd is being managed worse than any other in the Midwest is not even close to accurate, however. That's why I talked to all of the best and brightest, trained deer biologists in the U.S. Either on or off the record most (not all) have an opinion about Indiana's management of deer and it ranges from disbelief to outright condemnation. But what to they know too?
I never said you were the only person who thinks Indiana's deer herd is being managed worse than any other in the midwest. What I said was "If you think that feeling is exclusive to you towards the IDNR, take a few minutes and read some of the posts on forums from Iowa, Illinois, Ohio, and Missouri (among others)." In other words, there are plenty of hunters in midwest states who also think their DNR is full of and I quote you here... "idiocy and lack of foresight".
Re: Rifle proposal latest assault on deer hunting by DNR, NRC
12/11/2014 08:00 PM
12/11/2014 08:00 PM
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Originally posted by Jeff Valovich: What goals ?.....where/when has the DNR announced herd goal levels....did I miss something....down 10% from our high, down 5%, down 20% ???....kill numbers like 1999/2000 ?? When will we know ?? When there isnt a deer to be seen in some counties ? I assume you are asking me? Here's a quote from Chad Stewart "The goal is to reduce the number of conflicts -- collisions, crop damage, overpopulation in urbanized areas -- between people and deer." What numbers that equates to is a question only the IDNR can answer. The numbers I offered are only my opinion and based on the numbers other states have cited in their herd reduction plans.
Re: Rifle proposal latest assault on deer hunting by DNR, NRC
12/12/2014 04:03 AM
12/12/2014 04:03 AM
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Originally posted by jbwhttail:
Next we move to the pistol cartridge rifle, again there was concern. I was told the straight wall cartridge as well as case length would control usage, funny how after comments and intitial adoption the "straight wall cartridge" was ommitted. that opened the door to wildcat rounds.
My question is "not only did the straight wall cartridge rule get omitted, but who was responsible for the omission" ? An individual had to be the culprit, so who was it?
Re: Rifle proposal latest assault on deer hunting by DNR, NRC
12/12/2014 04:04 AM
12/12/2014 04:04 AM
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My thoughts;
- no reason for anyone to get emotional because what will be will be - "hunting" has many applied definitions - blaming the DNR is both ridiculous and shortsighted - most individuals who deer hunt today have no outdoorsman's skills and don't want to have any - most individuals who deer hunt today don't really care about the deer - as has been coming for a long, long time, deer management is about social issue management, not about wildlife biology - furthering of long range weapons will hasten local municipality weapons use laws and restrictions that could affect not only firearms but archery as well - the future of "hunting" will be value based financially around access and harvest, not necessarily around hunting - when anything doesn't have balance between financial cost as an activity and the personalized value of the activity it is under appreciated and demeaned (cost of deer hunting is to cheap) - it is not the job of the DNR to create social balance acceptance of deer numbers, it is the job of deer hunters to do so and they have failed miserably
What we need is more conservationalists and fewer "hunters".
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Re: Rifle proposal latest assault on deer hunting by DNR, NRC
12/12/2014 08:39 AM
12/12/2014 08:39 AM
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The proposed rounds are not "new here" Coyote and pistol toting deer firearms hunters have been using them for years. It is relevant to the discussion because you later go on to vilify the proposed rounds using ridiculous hyperbole such as "1000 yard rifles" , "elephant gun" and "Moose gun" The more I shoot my .243, the more I like it. I have a feeling I will be hunting more than coyotes with it in Indiana next fall. Do you have any data (as in a single study) or evidence which shows high power rifle cartridges are more dangerous than shotguns or PCR? Originally posted by outdoorswithdon: .... I realize the rounds were available from a pistol. that wasn't the point I was making. I was just giving uninformed readers a little background and telling them the proposed rounds would be new here. ...
Re: Rifle proposal latest assault on deer hunting by DNR, NRC
12/12/2014 12:28 PM
12/12/2014 12:28 PM
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Re: Rifle proposal latest assault on deer hunting by DNR, NRC
12/12/2014 01:02 PM
12/12/2014 01:02 PM
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"Where are the conservationists among the HPR crowd? Where are the people willing to sacrifice for the ecosystem?"
Generally speaking, I don't think it's an HPR crowd issue because I'm not sure anyone (all who visit this site exempt from my point of course), regardless of weapon used are really willing to sacrifice "their" preference. I could be wrong though.
"Fishing is like a one night stand, unless you're fly fishing, then you've encountered the romance of your life"
Re: Rifle proposal latest assault on deer hunting by DNR, NRC
12/12/2014 01:09 PM
12/12/2014 01:09 PM
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Originally posted by delaney: "Where are the conservationists among the HPR crowd? Where are the people willing to sacrifice for the ecosystem?"
Generally speaking, I don't think it's an HPR crowd issue because I'm not sure anyone (all who visit this site exempt from my point of course), regardless of weapon used are really willing to sacrifice "their" preference. I could be wrong though. Isn't that why there are BAG LIMITS set??? To "CONSERVE" the resource!!!
Guardian Of The One Buck Rule & Gunseason "Some people just need a good *** whoopin. It keeps the planets aligned"
Re: Rifle proposal latest assault on deer hunting by DNR, NRC
12/12/2014 03:39 PM
12/12/2014 03:39 PM
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Originally posted by BREW...: Originally posted by delaney: [b] "Where are the conservationists among the HPR crowd? Where are the people willing to sacrifice for the ecosystem?"
Generally speaking, I don't think it's an HPR crowd issue because I'm not sure anyone (all who visit this site exempt from my point of course), regardless of weapon used are really willing to sacrifice "their" preference. I could be wrong though.
Isn't that why there are BAG LIMITS set??? To "CONSERVE" the resource!!! [/b]Absolutely. The point there may be though that the bag limits are a DNR initiative. While I don't really know whether an unlimited bag limit would significantly increase the harvest, my guess is that there are a lot of hunters, possibly even a majority, that would openly support unlimited bag limits. I do believe wholeheartedly that the DNR is probably the only thing between mass destruction of the deer herd by hunters and landowners. Generally, I still don't think that a lot of deer hunters, maybe a majority, care about the rules or the ethics except to the only extent that they might get "caught".
"Fishing is like a one night stand, unless you're fly fishing, then you've encountered the romance of your life"
Re: Rifle proposal latest assault on deer hunting by DNR, NRC
12/12/2014 03:52 PM
12/12/2014 03:52 PM
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Amazing what DNR-established bag limits can do to conserve all kinds of game animals!! And, they can do it without reducing the number of days a hunter can potentially hunt using any DNR-legal weapon in the existing season structure. There are thousands of conservationist hunters in Indiana using high-powered rifles, shotguns, handguns, and muzzle loaders. And there are thousands of conservationist hunters who use vertical bows and crossbows. We should not accuse a hunter of not being a conservationist just because of his/her choice of weapon.
May all our hunts be safe, enjoyable, and deeply appreciated.
Re: Rifle proposal latest assault on deer hunting by DNR, NRC
12/12/2014 04:06 PM
12/12/2014 04:06 PM
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the weapon used has not a **** thing to do with the state of the herd. we all still only get one buck. just gonna die by a different tool.
end result will be the same. venison
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Re: Rifle proposal latest assault on deer hunting by DNR, NRC
12/12/2014 04:11 PM
12/12/2014 04:11 PM
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Originally posted by cedarthicket: Amazing what DNR-established bag limits can do to conserve all kinds of game animals!! And, they can do it without reducing the number of days a hunter can potentially hunt using any DNR-legal weapon in the existing season structure. There are thousands of conservationist hunters in Indiana using high-powered rifles, shotguns, handguns, and muzzle loaders. And there are thousands of conservationist hunters who use vertical bows and crossbows. We should not accuse a hunter of not being a conservationist just because of his/her choice of weapon. Cedar, i would agree that use of weapon does not equate to a conservationist or not. But, when you assess engagement in issues, all fashions of engagement other then going afield and harvesting, hunter engagement pretty fails horrible from both a social, legislative and financial standpoint.
"Fishing is like a one night stand, unless you're fly fishing, then you've encountered the romance of your life"
Re: Rifle proposal latest assault on deer hunting by DNR, NRC
12/12/2014 04:29 PM
12/12/2014 04:29 PM
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Scarlett Dew
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Originally posted by trapperDave: the weapon used has not a **** thing to do with the state of the herd. Well I'll be darn......... I never realized there would be "no difference in the state of the herd" if we all just hunted with stick bows vs .243's year after year after year..... What the heck was I thinking!! :rolleyes: LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Rifle proposal latest assault on deer hunting by DNR, NRC
12/12/2014 06:37 PM
12/12/2014 06:37 PM
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How about moving vertical bow licesnes back to 13.75 and others be. Or lifetime back? Coyote is is in for hpr while deer guys are sluggin or muzzleloadin! So I can aim small miss small or hit mile away. Know a guy with rifle slug in his back to close to spine to remove. Mowin yard. No one knows where it came from many years ago. I own hprs don't know if I need to deer hunt with them? Always controversary!
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Re: Rifle proposal latest assault on deer hunting by DNR, NRC
12/13/2014 05:45 AM
12/13/2014 05:45 AM
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Re: Rifle proposal latest assault on deer hunting by DNR, NRC
12/13/2014 06:30 AM
12/13/2014 06:30 AM
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Someone more important than all of us wants to kill a deer 1,000 yards away with a moose gun in Indiana and there isn’t a thing we can do about it. Though I could hunt safely using a rifle in Indiana I don't want a patchwork of rules concerning their use so I will agree with you Don on why they shouldn't be allowed but this statement in your article is disingenuous and pure hyperbole at best.. Do you honestly believe that the person who propose this rule change wants you or anyone else to take 1,000 shots at deer?... Really?
Re: Rifle proposal latest assault on deer hunting by DNR, NRC
12/13/2014 07:13 AM
12/13/2014 07:13 AM
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John Scifres The sky is not falling. Deer are not absent from our state. And they have an amazing ability to rebound from over harvest. Relax. Breathe. When trends are established, policy will follow. Also, does anyone really believe that the harvest will substantially increase because of HPRs? I mean we are talking about an increase of effective range of maybe 100 yards for the average guy.
And people who are willing to pay the extra for a substantially better effective range are probably killing all the deer they want already. They won't kill more. They'll just kill them with different things.
Most hunters who are capable of killing deer regularly kill all they want already. Most kill 1 or 2. Some kill 3. Very few kill 4 or more. The limiting factors of a place to hunt or time to do it are much more important than the tool used. Two good posts, full of common sense. In the 10 common myths post from Chad Stewart here's one that I think people should remember... Myth 6: High antlerless quotas are solely responsible for reducing the deer herd. Indiana historically has had high antlerless limits available to all hunters. Hunters have been allowed to harvest eight antlerless deer in many counties. These limits are high to allow individuals experiencing deer problems the opportunity to solve their problems in the hunting season. It is not meant to be a limit that is reached by all hunters, and it rarely is reached. Despite high quotas in some counties, surveys repeatedly show the vast majority of hunters (85 percent) take three or fewer deer, and less than 1 percent ever take eight deer in a season.
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