John Scifres
The sky is not falling. Deer are not absent from our state. And they have an amazing ability to rebound from over harvest. Relax. Breathe. When trends are established, policy will follow.
Also, does anyone really believe that the harvest will substantially increase because of HPRs? I mean we are talking about an increase of effective range of maybe 100 yards for the average guy.

And people who are willing to pay the extra for a substantially better effective range are probably killing all the deer they want already. They won't kill more. They'll just kill them with different things.

Most hunters who are capable of killing deer regularly kill all they want already. Most kill 1 or 2. Some kill 3. Very few kill 4 or more. The limiting factors of a place to hunt or time to do it are much more important than the tool used.
Two good posts, full of common sense.

In the 10 common myths post from Chad Stewart here's one that I think people should remember...

Myth 6: High antlerless quotas are solely responsible for reducing the deer herd.
Indiana historically has had high antlerless limits available to all hunters. Hunters have been allowed to harvest eight antlerless deer in many counties. These limits are high to allow individuals experiencing deer problems the opportunity to solve their problems in the hunting season. It is not meant to be a limit that is reached by all hunters, and it rarely is reached. Despite high quotas in some counties, surveys repeatedly show the vast majority of hunters (85 percent) take three or fewer deer, and less than 1 percent ever take eight deer in a season.