76 are you saying all HPRs will not be legal under the new rule? Because that is not the way I read it. If they are, it isn't hyperbole to say people will use everything they have including a .416 Rigby elephant gun if they want to.

This propaganda I keep hearing that it is ok to make everything legal because no one will use them anyway is just a misdirection to justify the needs of a few over the many.

And do I really need a study to prove a piece of lead with enough energy to travel miles versus yards is more dangerous in open, populated terrain. Good God, some common sense here. Every other state deer director I have spoken with in the past week says this is a Duhhh issue.

The IDNR uses the "no study" argument too, but what you all fail to admit is that there aren't those studies because no other state around us with similar terrain allows HPRs for deer season. Can't do a study if the situation doesn't exist anywhere out of common sense.

And yes, if there were as many people coyote hunting as there are deer hunting, we likely would have to look more closely at the guns allowed there too. Are you saying there are as many coyote hunters in Indiana as deer hunters? That's shocking news to me.

More important than the safety issue is the deer issue. Our herd is declining like many other states. But unlike every other state, we are responding by making it easier to kill even more deer. Where are the conservationists among the HPR crowd? Where are the people willing to sacrifice for the ecosystem? Their voices are being drown out by a few guys who are singularly focused on what is best for them as an individual hunter.