Let me start off by saying my comments here are from myself and not the IDHA.

Manyyears ago I warned DNR of the future when they wanted to allow the use of hand guns in deer season, I was told it was going to be VERY limited in barrel length and caliber. Then we had an assistant deer biologist who wanted to use his Encore in .243, new proposal and rifle cartidges were allowed, why, because very few people would spend the money to get one of those hand guns.

Next came the smokeless powder muzzleloaders, again I complained that we opened the door with another tool that the present rule (black powder) had never intended. I was told (and is true) the wording said muzzleloading rifle not black powder or equivalent.

Next we move to the pistol cartridge rifle, again there was concern. I was told the straight wall cartridge as well as case length would control usage, funny how after comments and intitial adoption the "straight wall cartridge" was ommitted. that opened the door to wildcat rounds.

Shotgun rounds have also improved to the point they have muzzle velocity of a 30-06 factory loads. Industries MUST improve product performance or they are left behind by competitors.

The deer hunting community has changed over the years, much of this has been by an aggressive campaign by IDNR that we have a surplas of deer and the herd needs reduced. Hunters have killed and killed, many killing and donating all in the name of feeding the hungry......and it continues today.

We also have this "opporunity" thing, we feel it is "our right" to hunt deer as long as possible with whatever tool we choose to use as long as it is effective.

I consider Don Mulligan a friend, there are parts of his article that I DO NOT agree or support. I own a .300wsm and the rifle is capable of killing at 1000 yards, but with me on the trigger it is a 200 yard at best. It will still be up to the individual should the proposed rule pass to determine what is an "ethical shot".

Doug Allman (IDHA board member) is polling the membership to establish our position. Doug has a valid point that many communities are setting strict rules on "projectiles". these ordinances restrict hunting and our ability as hunters to control wildlife populations. Allowing centerfire rifles will only add fuel to the fire.

I have talked to several CO's over the past couple of months and NONE are happy to see this rule change. I visit and read several hunting boards for Indiana daily and all hunters are reporting the same thing, deer numbers are down. Yet IDNR and the NRC want to allow a longer range tool. I have resigned myself to reality, hunters want the "easy route", tradition is gone, "Get R Done" and get back to the routine of everyday life.

To interview Phil Bloom for an article is ridiculous! Did Don think he would get an opinion contrary to the IDNR execuctive staff or the NRC? This rule proposal will sail thru...... IDNR wants it(some people) and the NRC wants it.

When it passes I will use my .300wsm to kill a deer. I like shooting the rifle and I probably wont ever book a whitetail hunt in a state where it is legal today.

Traditional whitetail deer hunting left Indiana several years ago,today it is "opportunity". We all will have to determine how we take advantage of that "opportunity".

One last note, IDNR is seeing P/R money rolling in from the gun/ammo sales, anyone think they might look at increased gun sales as a boost to those Federal dollars. It is ALL about revenue.....

Just my thoughts........

When science meets tradition there will be sparks.....