You have to take account of what they are trying to do.
That is reduce the amount of deer in the heavily traveled suburbs around the larger cities.
This is my first season hunting urban, I'm hunting in a buddys back yard using my bow.
I have a heavily traveled area about 50'x50' to hunt in with a steep hill in the back. I told him that during gun season I could take them with my pistol, but he said that he thinks that would disturb the neighbors too much. I can see his point, with the houses only 75' to 100' apart, I wouldn't want a strange hunter blasting away next to my house.
And from what I've seen there is not many large deer in these areas, but there is a lot of deer. So unless someone owns a field in one of these urban areas there is not going to be much full scale rifle hunting to in these areas start with. So a longer season won't make much impact or do any good. The problem is the deer have found a haven that has plenty of backyard food, not many predators, (hunters)a warm place to bed,(I have seen them bed next to the warm basement wall) & is fairly insect/disease free because we spray for bugs in these areas. I have managed to take one small doe but the deer are so small it doesn't pay to take them to the processors because my doe didn't weigh more than 75 lbs. Most processors in this area charge a minimum of $80 to $90. I processed my own & got about 20-25 lbs of meat.
One thing I did notice is the deer are smart enough of the evening to wait until the 5:00pm rush is over before wandering too far from their bedding area. That puts there movement too late for any evening hunting. So they could raise the limit to 100 but that won't get many more deer taken because you need to get them away from the houses first.