I was a late bloomer to deer hunting. Was always a small game guy ( squirrel and bunnies)Started, with the small game with my grandpa at 12 yrs old.
I turned 40 this year. At the tender age of 33, I had a few buddies that deer hunted and kept hounding me to try it. I caved in and went.

It was a pretty productive spot and on my first sit, I had a deer coming my way. It never got closer than about 200 yds and my heart was pounding!! Been hooked ever since..

I've always liked nature but it's hard to see nature in it's true beauty when you are crashing through brush piles trying to kick rabbits up. There are days now when I don't even see a deer but to be in the stand in the morning when the woods wakes up, and the birds are singing and critters running around.. best therapy ever!!
