Originally posted by BREW...:
Originally posted by pav:
Whether you call them clowns or professionals...the bottom line is....when sharpshooters are being used instead of hunters....hunters lose.

Sounds like some don't see the negative in that?
SO getting on the internet and NAME calling and whining is the intelligent answer???

Better yet what would be your answer to how to get hunters put in place of sharp shooters???

Yes it's a "negative" .....but what is the resolve?? [/b]
The answer for this particular location is bowhunters....but nobody (including today's hunting community) wants to hear that. The IBA fought and successfully kept sharpshooters out of urban state parks. That was a different time.

FYI, the guy that is "name calling and whining" on this thread has probably put more personal time and effort into fighting the sharpshooter issue than the rest of us combined. If he wants to whine about it...I figure he's earned the right.

There are none so blind as those who will not see.