While they maybe "professionals" in what they do(head shooting deer)...they take away in what should be a hunters job, keeping deer herds manageable...I can remember some nasty stuff coming from this site when Tony DeNicola and his White Buffalo group was sharpshooting deer up here back in the early 2000's..... you must get through to the politicians about the benefits and cost saving when using "hunters" vs the sharpshooters.....but in actuality to the politicians a dead deer is a dead deer... dosnt matter who kills it....however it does matter to some of the activists as sharphooters take away what us hunters do and our "enjoyment of hunting", or so they think..... I once told an activist, how do you know that "sharpshooters" arnt smiling after each deer he kills"...she was dumbfounded by that.....because to her, us "hunters" only enjoyed hunting because we enjoyed killing.... sharpshooting deer isnt hunting per se and the ARAers know that....anything to keep "hunters" out of the woods.....does sharpshooting work ? sure it does, it reduces deer numbers, but at what cost.... we hunters can do the same job and many would be willing to pay to do so, rather than pay a sharpshooter $300 or more to kill the same deer.... Vehicles, bait, suppressed rifles and spotlights isnt hunting...its just killing and to me they are clowns for doing so... as are the politicians for letting this happen.... if you want "hunters" in there get off your asses and fight for it, cause if you dont, the politicians will use the easy way...sharpshooters which they feel are more politically correct that us "big bad hunters" ....

"Liberalism is a mental disorder"