Second deer hunt at Eagle Creek Park scheduled for Jan. 12th

Indy Parks has scheduled its second deer hunt at Eagle Creek Park for three nights starting January 12th.

USDA sharpshooters using high-powered rifles will hunt on the west side of the reservoir, which includes two city golf courses.

Indy Parks received a state permit to kill up to 350 deer at the popular west side park. Park officials have said the deer population is up to five times greater than it should be, a figure critics have repeatedly questioned.

The first hunt took place the weekend after Thanksgiving when members of the Wounded Warriors were allowed to hunt on the east side of the park where all the trails, picnic areas and playgrounds are. The park was closed for three days during that hunt with 142 deer killed.

Park officials say this time, the hunt will not interfere with regular park operations as it will occur overnight. Spokesman Scott Manning said near by residents will not hear any gunfire as the sharpshooters will be using suppressors.

The city's permit requires the city to finish the hunt by January 31st.

Guardian Of The One Buck Rule & Gunseason
"Some people just need a good *** whoopin. It keeps the planets aligned"