23 hunters, 142 deer killed!!

Over 2 tons of meat donated to Gleaners food banks!

Nice work, Wounded Warriors!


The Indianapolis Department of Parks and Recreation says 142 deer were killed last weekend as part of its deer management program.

The controversial cull, which was challenged by a lawsuit but allowed to go on as planned, resulted in 31 bucks and 111 does removed from the park. Twenty-three Wounded Warrior participants took part in the hunt, including 11 local disabled veterans. They kept venison from 27 deer for personal use, and the remaining 4,800 pounds is being donated to Gleaners Food Bank.

The parks department argued that the deer population in the park was getting out of control and threatening native plants as well as the forest - eliminating food sources for deer and other species, destroying bird habitats and compromising the forest's ability to regenerate.

"Being able to safely reduce the deer population at Eagle Creek Park was necessary to ensure a sustainable future for Eagle Creek Park and all species that call it home," said John Williams, Director of the Department of Parks and Recreation. "Partnering with the Wounded Warriors and donating the venison allowed us to work with local partners and make healthy meat available for the community."

A second reduction is planned for a later date, as yet to be announced. That will focus on the west side of the park. The first hunt was limited to the east side of the park.

The USDA will also provide recommendations for the long term deer management plan for the park.

Learn more about the park's deer management plans.