The Nat. park system has used "sharpshooters for years...The Dunes uses them now up here by me....remember the fiasco with White Buffalo and Tony DeNicola in Dunes Acres ? Beverly Shores tried 'em, but the residents couldnt stand the sound of the guns going off and after I presented the urban bow program to 'em they were satisfied, but the town still put limitations on us, by running background checks on the archers and having proficency testing...but the program worked and is still working today and most of those limitations have been relaxed or done away with......Delaney is right, towns/cities/parks want deer killed and dont want the stigma of having "hunters" in their they use whats the difference.. a dead deer is a dead deer, right ?....... supposedly sharpshooters are experienced, more accurate than "hunters", and supposedly they dont "smile" when they kill a deer(said to me by a ARAer).....I hope those guys kill a ton of deer before the "specialists" get to 'em.... also, why do you think Indiana has allowed "suppressors" and now will allow centerfires? reason, to be able to get guns closer to the populace and use them as a urban deer reduction tool...silence is golden...that is why bowhunters can work in the right situations better than guns can....

"Liberalism is a mental disorder"