Originally posted by jbwhttail:
Nice buck, let me say it is a great 1 1/2 year old or a nice 2 year old deer. Will not comment on the "tool" used or timeing. No way is it a mature buck at 3+ years old.
Just going to say "Thank You", one less hunter in the woods for the best time to kill a "azz kicker".
Love the guys who can't "keep the Booger
Hook off the bang button."
Kill the deer you want,(as you did) congrats on another crossbow kill.
EVERYONE should take or attempt to take the deer of their choosing. All of use have a different standard we use for our goals........
First off I want to say congrats to Gilley on a job well done and hope that his deer provides him and his family with many hearty meals...
Now, time for my rant....
Really Joe? How classy from the President of IDHA... All you needed to say was congrats or better yet not said anything at all...
You know the old saying "Better to keep your mouth shut and be thought of as a fool, then to open it and remove all doubt"... Well you not only opened it but you shoved your foot all the way down your throat....
What if your grandson shot a similar buck? Would you be happy and full of pride for him or would you be happy on the outside but disgusted on the inside for shooting the buck?
Bad enough that guys like you can ruin a perfectly good forum cause we don't want to hunt your way or by your rules or weapon of YOUR choice of approval... So what if someone wants to use a crossbow? Whats the big effing deal?... A DEAD DEER IS A DEAD DEER regardless of weapon... If I could snap my fingers and have it my way every time guys like you shot an arrow it would go right around hit you right where your opinions belong...
I enjoy reading most everyone's successes on here because I know they are not doing it to gloat... They are doing it to share their experience with everyone... And I do the same thing... I don't do it to gloat I do it to share my experience with everyone else... It is what hunting SHOULD BE about afterall... It should never be about the size of antlers or weapon used to take it...