Originally posted by 76chevy:
a 2013 study shows otherwise. 35% of hunters reported hunting primarily for meat . Up from 2006, I suspect the 08 economic downturn and rising food prices drive this.

Hunting "for meat" is the most #1 cited response to this survey of hunters done in 2013.


[Linked Image]

Originally posted by delaney:
[b] ...... hunting for food us no longer a valid aspect of hunting from a need standpoint and hasn't been for many years. The food aspect simply is fallacy anymore. It was though the aspect of woodsman ship that the first hunters relied on, which has disappeared more and more with all technology. Technology is typically driven to help, or make easier or more convenient. Often intended, technology takes our any necessity of work or effort. ....
Regardless of what a survey suggests and recognizing that hunters will often say for meat, it is without a reasonably doubt that many, if not the majority, of hunters would pay considerably less for meat at a grocery store per pound then what the cost of vension per pound costs them from hunting. So, while they may hunt for meat, for a cost perspective that is a luxury and not a necessity for survival.

"Fishing is like a one night stand, unless you're fly fishing, then you've encountered the romance of your life"