Originally posted by Parke:
Originally posted by jjas:
Originally posted by delaney:
[b] This stuff is so unimportant in the scope of the future of Indiana's wildlife, including deer.
Especially since this issue was decided 3 years ago..... [/b]
how are these issues not important? I understand they are not "huge" problems but they are problems that do have an affect on our wildlife. so since this issue was decided we should just give up on it? things can and will change. i'll drop it but the attitude you two have is not the attitude of guys id want on my team..you don't give up and you don't push something under the rug bc its not a major issue. weak. we need some velvet pics to talk about cuz this is getting boring [/b]
Like I've said a couple of times. As far as I'm concerned, this issue was decided 3 years ago. If others want to continue to complain about it, that's certainly up to them.

As new and/or more pressing issues come up down the road, I'll concentrate my energy there.

Have a good day.