A little off the topic but here goes.........

P&Y,B&C,QDMA,NWTF,IDHA,HRB,IBA,RMEF,DU,ALL of these groups are full of "elitests"! We don't force anyone to join, we only ask that they meet our standards and rules. If you can't do that then don't join but also don't bad mouth what we do.

What ALL of these groups do is funnel the money received back into conservation projects that all of us use. Here is a good example..........

Several years back IDNR had the opportunity to purchase 2600 acres in Southeastern Indiana for a F&W area. they had the funding but not the money for the required survey, the IDHA, IBA and Indiana chapter of NWTF combined, payed for the survey. The property today known as Splinter Ridge was obtained, without our dollars the deal would not have been possible. P&Y,QDMA,RMEF,B&C wprk on a much broader scale, DU is matching every dollar spent on the Wabash and Muscatatuk corrider with $4.00!

So think about who you critize and what they are doing for you behind the scenes!

When science meets tradition there will be sparks.....