Originally posted by jjas:
Dawn Patrol
I can't imagine crossbows being allowed ever IMO
I can guarantee you that the same thing was said about compounds many years ago...and while I don't think it's likely to happen tomorrow, as crossbows are allowed into the archery seasons in more states, I think eventually it will occur.
The compound bow analogy is old, worn out..and basically a farse. How can one compare a weapon that was patented and accepted as archery equipment on a national scale within a very short window....to a weapon that has been around since medieval times and still fighting for an identity?

Even some crossbow liberal states still do NOT recognize crossbows as archery equipment. We live in one. Nobody is legally hunting deer in Indiana using a crossbow on an archery license.

As for P&Y, while I've learned to never say never, crossbow inclusion is highly unlikely. I posted the criteria necessary to become a voting member in P&Y earlier in this thread. One must demostrate quite a comittment to BOWHUNTING before ever being considered as a voting member. Prevents the Johnny-come-latelys from moving in and taking over.

Let's face it, the driving force behind crossbow liberalization is MONEY. The P&Y Club has a trust fund that will keep the club financially viable for several decades...if not longer.

Like I said, never say never...but if crossbows inclusion ever does happen at P&Y...I have strong doubts anyone on this message board will still be breathing.

There are none so blind as those who will not see.