Now I'm confused...

First, it sounded like you were downplaying the affect of human intrusion on mature buck behavior. Now, hunting pressure (which is human intrusuion) has made two and three year old bucks harder to kill. Are you implying the deer actually have to be shot at to educate them?

Second, it is my opinion that a mature buck is a different animal in comparison with the rest of his species. To be successful with any degree of consistency...the hunter has to adapt. i.e. Regardless of the trophy potential in an area...if you attempt to hunt mature bucks using the same tactics as any other deer...any other deer is likely what you are going to get.

Managing property is certainly an advantage to growing big bucks, but when it comes to actually killing those big has to figure the big boys out..without tipping them off.

If killing a big buck was as easy as simply hunting where they live...every deer hunter in Iowa would have a wall full of trophy bucks....yet they don't.

There are none so blind as those who will not see.