Paul, often the small woods guys have these bucks on cameras. And, the outfitters run cameras a lot and post some of those bucks on Facebook often before they are killed. Now, admittedly not all those bucks get killed because some go nocturnal or nomadic. I give Dew, and others, all the credit in the world for the bucks they kill but that doesn't mean what your suggesting necessarily. What I believe it dies mean is that they are extremely good at managing and growing big bucks on properties they manage. Frankly, my guess is that there are guts who only kill two or three year old bucks that are the most mature buck around where they hunt and have many times more hunting pressure and are much harder to kill them some trophy bucks that guys kill that are one of a number available on their properties. I would imagine that guys like Dew could harvest a mature buck every year pretty easily because they are great at managing the property regardless as to whether they are great students of hunting technic or not. But yes, while some mature bucks get used to seeing people or farmers daily and don't totally change their behavior, I would agree that many bucks do especially those that don't great that daily exposure throughout the year. So, only going straight to a trail cam and not walking all over the place where you hunt I don't believe is as intrusive as what sometimes seems suggested at least on many properties.

"Fishing is like a one night stand, unless you're fly fishing, then you've encountered the romance of your life"