Originally posted by DawnPatrol:
Originally posted by pav:
Originally posted by jjas:
[b] After reading this thread, I clicked on the link and found the rules of fair chase for P&Y under the following heading.....

The term “Fair Chase” shall not include the taking of animals under the following conditions:

Within those rules I found this.....

By the use of electronic devices for attracting, locating or pursuing game or guiding the hunter to such game, or by the use of a bow or arrow to which any electronic device is attached.

Does the above rule include game cameras used for scouting?

Perhaps some of you involved in P&Y could say whether it does or doesn't?

Just curious......
The use of trail/game cameras is not specifically prohibited. That said, how one uses the camera could potentially violate fair chase rules.

The fair chase affidavit is an honor system document. Cheaters will cheat....regardless of the method used. Improper entries get removed from the book on a regular basis...but they don't all get caught. [/b]
I've understood it as long as the trail cameras don't send the pics to a computer or phone in real time they were OK! So the guy that goes out swapping SD cards is fine from my understanding! [/b]
Just to articulate how silly this stuff becomes though, then a buck taken at the same spot where the camera is that sends photo's immediately over the phone or computer but never had a photo taken of it is ok, but a buck with a previous photo on that camera isn't? Or, if a wireless camera is used anywhere on the property being hunted then the whole property is eliminated from entry? It's all just goofy.

"Fishing is like a one night stand, unless you're fly fishing, then you've encountered the romance of your life"