1. There will be no automatic advancement (i.e., after a certain number of years) of a Regular Member to Senior Membership.

2. The advancement from Regular Membership to Senior Membership can occur after eight (8) years as a Regular Member, provided the longstanding “hunting” requirements (animals) are met AND additional participation criteria are met AND the candidate is approved by vote.

3. An applicant for Senior Membership will be required to:

a.) Attend at least two biennial conventions, AND
b.) Exhibit sufficient Club involvement (i.e., measurer, committee member, volunteer, etc.), AND
c.) Exhibit sufficient participation in at least two (2) of the following categories:
1.) State/local bowhunting organization
2.) Mentoring
3.) Conservation activities
d.) Have taken, with a bow and arrow, at least four (4) different species of North American big game
e.) Have at least three (3) different species listed in the P&Y Records Program

4. The vote of new Senior Members, by the Senior membership, will be a “Yes or No” vote (i.e., no “abstain” option). The applicant will need to receive “Yes” votes totaling at least 90% of the returned ballots to be accepted as a Senior Member. If an applicant receives less than the required 90% “Yes” vote, he/she may reapply in three years.

5. The number of Senior Members will be unlimited in quantity.

A Regular Member must apply for Senior Membership by requesting and completing an application. A Senior Membership Committee (made up of existing Senior Members) will review the application to ensure minimum participation requirements are fulfilled. Once the time requirement has been met, the candidate’s name is sent on to the existing Senior Members for vote.

There are none so blind as those who will not see.