1. A member shall be a general Member for fourteen (14) years before being eligible to advance to Regular Membership.

2. An applicant for Regular Membership is required to:

a.) Attend at least one biennial convention or exhibit sufficient Club involvement (i.e., measurer, committee member, volunteer, etc.), AND
b.) Exhibit sufficient participation in at least two (2) of the following categories:
1.) Club involvement (if not used to meet requirement “a”)
2.) State/local bowhunting organization
3.) Mentoring
4.) Conservation activities
c.) have taken with a bow and arrow under the Rules of Fair Chase at least one adult animal of each of three (3) of the various species of North American big game. One of these animals must be entered in the Pope and Young Records.

3. A candidate’s application must be “sponsored” by an existing Regular or Senior Member.

4. The vote on new Regular Members, by the voting membership, will be a “Yes or No” vote (i.e., no “abstain” option). The applicant will need to receive “Yes” votes totaling at least 90% of the returned ballots to be accepted as a Regular Member. If an applicant receives less than the required 90% “Yes” vote, he/she may reapply in three years.

5. Applicant must, in addition, demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Board that he or she possesses those characteristics of good sportsmanship and character consistent with the objectives and purposes of the Club.

6. The number of Regular Members will be unlimited in quantity.

A Member may initiate the advancement process at any time, by requesting, completing and returning (to headquarters) a Regular Member Application. The application can be completed whenever the applicant has met the participation, “hunting” and sponsorship requirements for Regular Membership. Once the application is received by the Club, the member goes on a “waiting” list until such time as the “seniority” requirement (14 years as a Member) has been met.

Once those steps have been taken, the candidate is then prepared for the “peer evaluation” vote by the existing Regular/Senior Members. A resume is completed by the candidate, which includes expanded descriptions of participation and two essay questions.

There are none so blind as those who will not see.