Be it P&Y, B&C, the Hoosier Book or any other "record" program, I believe they are detrimental to the sport of hunting. It's simply the wrong focus, the wrong approach and creates a negative influence on the sport from a variety of angles. I don't mean to be critical of those who enter animals in a record program or those who pursue animals viewed as being record animals but the programs themselves are not a good thing in my personal opinion.

What I find odd about so much of the rules related to electronic is that a person can contract with a guide who does pretty much all the scouting and setup for the hunter and all the hunter has to do is show and pretty much shoot the animal, yet that is considered ok for record book entry. That is much less hunting then the use of the electronics in my opinion.

"Fishing is like a one night stand, unless you're fly fishing, then you've encountered the romance of your life"