Personally, I refrained from voting on this issue in 2013 due to mixed emotions on the subject. Was not involved in this year's decision, as only regular and senior members voted.

On one hand, I don't believe either device can be considered a "bowhunting aid". On the other hand, I've seen the negative side of "relaxing" regulations.

As for the comment above regarding the P&Y records program, there are very few that would fall under the category of "hunting for the purpose of putting thier name in a book"...but there are many that support the P&Y club by paying to have an animal entered when fortunate enough to harvest a qualifyer.

Too many people are under the misconception the P&Y Club exists for the record books. The truth is, the record books help financially support the P&Y Club. The club has done and will continue to do great things with that money.

Entering animals in the record book is also a requirement for advanced membership in the P&Y Club. To become an Associate member, one only needs to have taken one big game animal (of any size) with bow and arrow. To beome a regular member, a bowhunter must have at least one big game animal listed in the record book. To become a senior member, one must have at leat three different species of big game animals listed in the record book.

FYI, there are several additional requirements for advanced membership not related to the records program.

There are none so blind as those who will not see.