Originally posted by jbwhttail:


I have talked with you at the State House, you are breeding typical whitetails, I wont reveal your location.
I'm sorry I am not the person you speak of but I know him and he is one of the most fine upstanding people I know along with his son- and yes they only raise typicals too.

I want to address your quote above with two points. First, a whitetail can only metabolize 18% protein anything above that goes out their butts. So ....... every wild deer can get 18% here in the United States. Even drought times a deer in Texas can get 18% from browse with no interference from humans. Also there has been no studies that prove minerals will grow bigger antlers either.
I am providing an EXCELLENT link about nutrition and antler growth that we can ALL learn from. I suggest anyone putting out food plots read it. Antler growth is best at 16+ protein. I would think that this year you will see bucks start growing later than usual because of the harsh winter. Somehow mother nature knows better than us. Alfalfa has 16-20% protein,grasses usually 8-10%, corn 8-9%, corn stalks 4-5% and soybeans 35-38%. Of course nuts and berries are high in protein. So if deer in the wild do not have these types of food sources available they will no where reach their potential. Most of these foods are not available to wild deer during the most important times of antler growth and during cases of drought protein levels plummet. Antlers are starting to grow as we speak and there isn't squat for a wild deer to eat right now. And the stress of having to find a food source is added suppression to antler growth. Likely most wild deer are trying to catch up on body weight from the winter when they are growing their antlers and not to mention parasitism(ticks, stomach worms)which saps the life out of the animals.


Your claim that there will soon be a live test and vaccine for CWD is not true. Today when a dead deer is tested it is classified positve or "not positive". That "not positive" does not mean it is CWD free, just that CWD was not detected at the time of the test. Also can you explain how a vaccine can keep a protein from mutating to a prion? Not possible, I have asked several people who are fighting this disease. As one told me "This is Pandora's box, and it has been opened..
you are correct in that a positive means that prions are found in the lymph nodes and brain stem at the time of death. Just because they are not found on testing does not mean they are not elsewhere in the body. They are likely in blood circulation before we ever see them in the l.n. or b.s. which is why a live test is so important.
If you read the link you will see that there is a live test using blood/urine and soon to be one using a nasal swab. I also provided a link for "Prevent" the company producing a vaccine. I hope everyone can take the time to educate themselves with this information.


For you or anyone in your line of work to say CWD will not jump species is bold lies.
I did not say that it would never jump species. It has never been proven that a prion has jumped species from sheep. It is only surmised. I said that it would be more "likely" for a virus to mutate and jump a species than a prion, knowing how a virus behaves.

Folks this gentleman(and I mean gentleman) sat for an hour and talked about deer, he is genuine and convinced in his mind. He needs the same respect here that we afford all of our members. We aren't going to change his mind but........
I take offense to this because I think everyone deserves the respect that they show to others and not just because he is a preacher.