They are going to grow bigger antlers when they are farm raised because they are not parasitized, are vaccinated, treated for sickness and they eat better than any wild deer has the ability to. In the very near future there will be a live test for CWD and a vaccine.


I have talked with you at the State House, you are breeding typical whitetails, I wont reveal your location.

I want to address your quote above with two points. First, a whitetail can only metabolize 18% protein anything above that goes out their butts. So ....... every wild deer can get 18% here in the United States. Even drought times a deer in Texas can get 18% from browse with no interference from humans. Also there has been no studies that prove minerals will grow bigger antlers either.

Your claim that there will soon be a live test and vaccine for CWD is not true. Today when a dead deer is tested it is classified positve or "not positive". That "not positive" does not mean it is CWD free, just that CWD was not detected at the time of the test. Also can you explain how a vaccine can keep a protein from mutating to a prion? Not possible, I have asked several people who are fighting this disease. As one told me "This is Pandora's box, and it has been opened.

It is well documented the origin of CWD in Colorado at Colorado wildlife facility. Mule deer were trapped and used in a study(proving it did not help to feed deer under stress) sheep were the control animal. The sheep were found(or at least one sheep) had scrapie, the prion in fact jumped species to deer. For you or anyone in your line of work to say CWD will not jump species is bold lies. How has it got into the mink population?

Folks this gentleman(and I mean gentleman) sat for an hour and talked about deer, he is genuine and convinced in his mind. He needs the same respect here that we afford all of our members. We aren't going to change his mind but........

When science meets tradition there will be sparks.....