I am a person that respects what other people wish to do as long as its done by the rules and regulations. I read these forums daily and see the arguments on here with other forum members about how the wild should be hunted. LOL sometimes very entertaining. And, I totally respect those who traditionally hunt and I respect those that don't have the time or the resources that go to preserves.
I don't get on here and bash people when they shoot fawns and post pictures. Is this ethical???? I don't care if its a kid shooting or not, parents should teach their kids to respect nature and at least let them live some life. Or, people that wild hog hunt under a feeder. Ethical???? Or people that shoot does that have babies in their belly. Ethical??? maybe to me its not but there is not a law against it. Do I agree with people that grow non-typical deer that cant hold their heads up? He11 no. I am a steward of the animal.
My point is there are things that we all don't agree with but this IS AMERICA and as long as it is done by the letter it is to each his own. And it is our right as americans to have our own opinions and do with our property as we wish as long as it is by the law.

My view is we must look at the big picture not as our own little world. I'm not going to go on a crusade about killing bambi because that is not good for hunting and I personally feel this article is not good for hunting in general either, especially coming from a so called hunter.
Hunting is a privilege as is being able to farm deer. Just as it is in having a drivers license. It is not a "right".

As far as the horses, it would be better than them starving to death as they do in this country, nobody is held accountable for it and some that own them are too ignorant to know any different. without licensing owners, it is their right to own them not a privilege.

In my eyes the article is not much different than the PETA one about horse racing and Steve Assmussen that aired a couple weeks ago. Not all trainers are that way. There are bad people in any industry. Most people care about their animals or they would not have them.