Originally posted by jbwhttail:
a few points ..........

Anti hunting community makes up 7% of the US population, hunting community is 7% also. Who we need on our side is the 84% that are non hunting, the Indy Star article does a fine job influencing that decision.

If you read any of the side bars to the story(court testimony) you would see these were/are not hunts at all, drugs,bait 2 acre pens, and deer run down a chute to the hunter immeadiately after being shoved out of a trailer.
Deer farmers talk of stress being the deers worst enemy, let's dart deer on staged archery hunts, no stress there. Let's gas bucks so semen can be extracted by electrocution, no stress there. Let's drug and transport a buck to an area he has never seen and release him, again no stress there. Humane/ Where is humane treatment of an animal in any of this?
Amen.......now where getting to the BOLD FACTS!!!

Guardian Of The One Buck Rule & Gunseason
"Some people just need a good *** whoopin. It keeps the planets aligned"