Why do people have to be so personal here? We are all Hunters here, but everyone had different opinions that's what makes this world go around. And yes i have seen that video more times than i ever care to. When i said abuse that's what i meant. If someone wants to hunt in a preserve to each his own as long as rules and regulations are followed. There are bad people that hunt the wild. Its not for me but i suppose it has its place in todays society. All I'm saying is i think those people that didn't have opinions about hunting do now whether its in a preserve or in the wild. And its likely not good for either.
I know a couple farmers and they are regulated out the wazoo to be able to move them out of state, what regulatios do our wild deer have? There are fences up at the borders! If they are sick they can spread disease for miles. We should be worried about ehd not cwd. Far more deer(thousands upon thousands) have died from it way more than cwd. Movement of Cattle from the south is the source spreading it .this one of the main reasons why many of us are struggling to find deer the last few years.