All I have to say is be careful what you wish for!
I am a hunter, my son is a hunter, my father and my grandfather. I don't post here much but read and visit almost daily.
I read all these posts against other "hunters". Whether we like it or not, people who go to preserves are "hunters". Over 50% of the people in this country are anti-hunting. United we stand and divided we fall. When you alienate the rest of the so called hunters,then our numbers as hunters get even smaller. Can we withstand a charge from PETA/HSUS or whoever when they destroy deer farming then come after us? As long as animals are not being abused and regulations are followed, if someone wants to hunt in a pen then let them, that doesn't mean I have to.
It doesn't matter if we agree with hunting in a preserve or not. We are destroying ourselves by supporting this "anti-hunting" expose. Not to mention that he says our wild deer are infected with disease from the penned deer. Now we are going to have people that will not hunt because of that.
Plain and simple the research facilities in Colorado and Wyoming were responsible for initially spreading CWD from their research pens. Whether we like it or not CWD is here to stay regardless of how it got here. I'm sure if they looked hard enough it is here too.