Nice post Joe. These operators are simply folks with a mission to make money, no different from any other business. They want it be their way, no different then most businesses. I'm not really sure that makes them "good" or "bad" because the devil is always in the detail. But certainly, society will decide the future of these operations, not just hunters and not just high fence operators. In many regards it will become an animal welfare issue as much as a hunting issue. But what is funny to me is that generally speaking, people who use these facilities are petty quiet, especially those with the big money and the big corporate titles. I don't have a lot of respect for corporate America and I've been in it for most of my professional career. I don't have any ill will towards the operators as long as they are honest and forthright which we all know sometimes happens and sometimes doesn't happen. But hey, that's no different then many, many situations in the business world. Personally, I thought there was a lot of honesty in the comments made by the operators in Ryans report.

"Fishing is like a one night stand, unless you're fly fishing, then you've encountered the romance of your life"