HS Strut:

Society as a whole decides what is acceptable.Capitalism is great concept but.... What if it is a landfill next to your home? A tire dump? Or let's say a large hog operation, dumping waste into the envioroment? If your water source is contaminated by any of the above what recourse is acceptable?

Same as penned deer, we know that the transport of these deer have spread CWD. We can look at many instances and see that the epicenter of these outbreaks is a penned deer facility, be it a breeding facility or a killing pen.


The high fence deer pen people and the breeders want to be governed by Department of Ag not DNR's. Ag deprtments have strict rules as does DNR for the humane killing. These operators want ag rules up until it is time to slaughter these tame deer, then they want them treated as wildlife.....you can't have both. If they are Ag critters then they get a bang stick to dispatch, if they are governed by DNR then they are huntable. Ag Department means the operator owns the deer, DNR rules make them owned by the people and managed by the state.

When science meets tradition there will be sparks.....