[QUOTE]Originally posted by 76chevy:
[QB] I am sure the coon club really missed him those 9 months he spent in federal prison.

That $575,000 fine in wildlife violations (which he pled guilty to) he paid also, was probably just a drop in the bucket for a high roller like him. I hope it did not cut into what he spent at your auctions.
I think U missed my point completly, I was pointing out just a very few things that I know this man has done for youth hunters. Most of us have done something in our lives we could have been put in jail for. Russ did the crime, paid his court ordered debt to society and got out and continued to be a productive member of society as well as help others and now some self rightous person who I guarantee has never supported fellow hunters like he has wants to label him a slime ball-sorry, but not without me makeing my case against that sterotype.
