If I take my personal feelings and emotion out of the assessment, I believe the take away is one thing and one thing only. Money. When I say money, I don't even mean the money that the operating are making. The money that is important, the message that is important, is the lobbying money. Forget about everything else because at the end of day political influence, and usually outcome, is about money. The average hunter won't give $10 to a cause. So, in the end, money will win out.

Whether I like or dislike fenced hunting and the risk of disease and how the operators justify it, it is all meaningless unless I am willing to do something about it. That something has to be money driven, lobbying driven. It's not belonging to a "do gooder" organization because as good as those organizations are (and they are!), they are not going to be effective over the long haul when it comes to the lobbying money that is being thrown around by this industry. Actually, if I were in the industry I would welcome additional rules and even admit that its not really fair chase and such because it appears that many of the people who use these places aren't really interested in fair chase anyhow and they'd use them regardless of what its called.

"Fishing is like a one night stand, unless you're fly fishing, then you've encountered the romance of your life"