I don't care if people is trail cams. I'm just bitter that a sport I grew up with ( practically cost me my marriage a few times) is going in this direction. I really love it. But I love a lot of things. I'm not interested in a 365 day pursuit of an animal. And yet after pondering a lease... You almost owe it to yourself to spend all year on it in order to justify the investment. Heck, I'm like you Delaney... I like fishing trips up north! A lot!
I just think I've lost touch with the rest in this sport.
I'm thinkin for the money of a lease... For me that money might bring me more enjoyment chasing Elk for a couple weeks. Or maybe a 5 day deer hunt somewhere I've never been. Heck, what's wrong with catching crappies in the fall, then deer hunting, then Ice fishing, ice out walleye, golf, back to fall and the crappies?

I just grew up with hunters being a tight knit group. Every time I hear prop I or prop IV or prop ANYTHING it makes me wanna scream!