HS, there are so many aspects to the entire issue of "fair" and "ethical". Heck, with todays firearms weapons, especially during the heavy rut, a guy can arguably take a firearm, grab a lawn chair, forget the camo, and go sit in a field and shoot a deer. Now, I have bought a camera that sends pictures directly to my phone and computer. Will likely buy many more. It's as much to watch for trespassers as it is deer, but still, I'll get deer pictures as well. Do I think it's ethical, probably. Is it fair, probably not in the absolute sense of the idealism.

I view leasing as much as an access fee for recreation, similar to tickets to a sporting event or such. Certainly it will eventually change the aspect of hunting as we all know it. It will lead to the animal rights types folks having more influence. But, it is the future. Again, if you want to see a big operational approach to leasing large tracts of land, go to Facebook and follow a site for Snipe Outfitters in southwestern Kentucky.

"Fishing is like a one night stand, unless you're fly fishing, then you've encountered the romance of your life"