Delaney you're right, this has existed for a while. And in this country people are free to do as they please with their money and time. I wouldn't want it any other way.
The biggest reason I hate to see people PUSHING. Leasing as a great thing is because it will lead to BIG MONEY taking it all over. Then the guys on here won't think it's so great. I've never been in favor of Indiana getting on the radar with the other big buck states and this is why. Big money will kill hunting as we know/knew it. They'll buy up large tracts if land and start selling hunts. Is probably inevitable but I would rather not be one who helped it.

Question #2:
Apparently it's ethical to lease land, put out trail cams that report to your phone/computer so you never even go in the woods to scout, bait the camera site so deer come to it, name each individual deer, ride an ATV in to the point where you've raked a quiet entry the last few yards to a pre hung stand and harvest a deer. But if you SELL this hunt... You're ruining the sport.
Food for thought