Hilarious...up early this morning to go to Chicago! Taking my daughter out for her birthday. Heck, I may spend 1200 today!

Brew, we killed three the first year and two last year. That said, i dont' expect to kill more than one or two ever. One thing I learned from working at BCL is that there are way more hunters than I thought, that just want the experience of hunting. Honestly, they don't hang out on forums or probably show up much in surveys. Admittedly, the older I get the more I just enjoy seeing my buddies and meeting at the truck for lunch and chit chat.
BCL and Treehugger and HLN and all the new start ups, get more thank you notes and letters than you would believe. (I didn't realize it either)
More to come, thanks for the civility.
...and now I have to head north.

Chief Operating Officer
American Hunting Lease Association