Trying the go it myself route. Yea I have lil interest in padding the pockets of BC. Figured I'd post this topic to see if anyone had or was willing to share a lead. I've no inherent interest in giving away money haha...
I've spent lot of time considering buying a tract of recreational or mixed use ag land. The main problem is the biggest bang for my buck would generally be 2 plus hrs away. Lots of land for cheap on or near the Ohio. If I could find a reasonable lease it seems logical vs spending the money to own a larger tract, maybe 80-120 acres. I can assure u I won't be paying 3200 + dollars for 50-80 acres on a lease. That's laughable.

All of you have good points. I agree it seems demand is outpacing supply.

Consistent luck is nothing more than hard work and preparation.