Originally posted by jjas:
And you can explain the difference between what you call your "obsession" vs canned hunting all you wish. I understand your point....and I agree.

But you surely realize that these places wouldn't exist if it weren't for the billion + dollar industry that trophy buck hunting has become.
What I realize is the fact these facilities are a drop in the bucket of a "billion dollar industry"....and people...especially other hunters...using the existence of such facilities to portray trophy hunting as a negative really ticks me off.

The most knowledgable, hardest working deer hunters I know are trophy hunters. I doubt there is a deer hunter alive that has not killed a trophy buck on purpose. Many just never get a chance...and that is likely their own fault. Some of those people choose to downplay trophy hunting like it is a form of cancer....others from that same group... become clients of shooting pens.

There are none so blind as those who will not see.