Originally posted by Jeff Valovich:
The data is piling up, as is the anecdotal evidence from those who spend time on their properties and in the woods/fields.... two simple changes would be drop the late season antlerless and cut back on the bonus tags in some places that are now 8 to 2 or even make them an "A" county and for up here it would be to reduce the "bonus zone" to actual towns/cities that need the extra pressure but once again if those locals have a no discharge regulation then it would be up to the residents to get that dropped....or you will end up with sharpshooters and the whole White Buffalo crap starting all over again....

8 bonus/ 2 bonus it's all relative... If you want to grow the herd in the area/county then you are going to have to reduce it to 1 to have an impact cause most kill maybe 2 but never 8 deer or at least I have never heard of it being done...

I would be all in favor of a three deer limit like reduction hunts do 1 buck and 2 does or 3 does whereas the buck and doe can be taking out of the same county but does have to be taking out of different counties so you spread out the harvest and it could have a positive economic impact in some communities...