The data is piling up, as is the anecdotal evidence from those who spend time on their properties and in the woods/fields.... two simple changes would be drop the late season antlerless and cut back on the bonus tags in some places that are now 8 to 2 or even make them an "A" county and for up here it would be to reduce the "bonus zone" to actual towns/cities that need the extra pressure but once again if those locals have a no discharge regulation then it would be up to the residents to get that dropped....or you will end up with sharpshooters and the whole White Buffalo crap starting all over again....

I think I did mention I was down at JP on Wednesday sighting in the 22-250 and after talking to a person who shall remain nameless at their request said JP had one of their worst deer season ever....They have been allowing bonus tags on limited areas and the late season antlerless(1 bonus could be used then). The surrounding landowners are up in arms with the low deer numbers on their places. That "person" would like to see a drastic reduction in the bonus tags and have no late antlerless gun on the place.....and just as I was thinking about hunting it again for next season. Ive killed some really nice bucks off of there in past years....

"Liberalism is a mental disorder"