Mk first off you have no clue who I am or how I hunt. I bow hunt, gun hunt and late season antler less hunt. Do I want gun season moved outta the rut no. It's purely a selfish reason bc my father is a taxidermist and his business would go even more to ****!! It's a fact during the rut all it takes is a hot doe to come thru and who knows what's gonna be behind it, therefore making it a **** of a lot easier to shoot a big buck. I don't give a flying poo how they structure out season or how other people hunt. And as far as you wanting to shoot bb or does if that's what you wanna shoot go ahead I could care less. Now comparing me to an anti will get you popped right in your mouth if you would like to meet up I live in greenwood indiana ill even pm you my address if you like to meet up. I'm not a keyboard warrior and take high offense to backhanded comments like that.