Originally posted by John Scifres:
I'm not defending any style of hunting but keep in mind that some people just want to have some fun deer hunting. Gun hunting the rut is fun.

Most don't take this all that seriously. At least until it seems that special interests get preferential treatment and get gun seasons moved out of the rut so that bow hunters can get the only crack at rutting bucks. Then they get serious.
John, spoken like a true gentleman. You must have grit your teeth a few times reading some of the provocative posts on here. But, I am glad you did point out some obvious hypocrisy. Too many deer hunters who hunt with bows simply fail to realize (or will not admit it) how good they have it relative to the length and timing of archery season. Regardless of how good they have it, some seem to begrudge any time for other weapon types in the woods during “their" season, which now runs statewide from October 1 to the first Sunday in January of the following year. And, not only that, bow hunters can take their one buck any time during that 3-month long season.

And, there are too many deer hunters who hunt with firearms who belittle and call names those who enjoy hunting with bows, refusing to acknowledge that there is a place for all kinds of weapon types. Some refuse to acknowledge that skilled bow hunters can make clean, ethical shots within their personal and equipment limitations, and do it with as much confidence, humility, and respect for the deer as the firearm hunters.

I could go on, but that is enough for this post. I refuse to get sucked into personal attacks and endless arguments.

May all our hunts be safe, enjoyable, and deeply appreciated.