Originally posted by traditionalarcher17:
People wont be happy if you take gun season outta the rut simply because, and I may tick some people off, any moron sitting on a ridge w a shotgun can kill a big buck during the rut. It takes no effort or preperation because all it takes is a hot doe coming by. Thats plain and simple, Im not faulting anyone for that, but we are a society now of people wanting the most with minimal effort.
Said I wasn't going to comment on any more forums...then SIX pages into this thread I read this crap! Ive barely refrained for commenting on some of the other BS ive read here but This quoted post is STUPID, ONESIDED, and probably A big ol' piece of bait that I just bit on but COME ON!!!! Any "moron" can say this. You sound like an anti hunter. Why did admin let a member of PETA on this forum???