I'm not gonna argue with ya. Waste of time. People hated the OBR too, Me included, HATED IT... but I can admit it changed me as a hunter. I realized that often times Mature bucks use younger bucks for decoys. MANY TIMES. Thanks to the OBR I realized there are a ton more mature bucks out there than I ever realized because I always took the 1st legal buck I saw.

Moving gun season out of the rut would no doubt be painful to many. But keeping it 2 consecutive weeks should take some of the sting out of it.
This is my opinion, and it isn't going to change until we or another state tries it.

Better yet, I'd be a huge advocate of picking a couple military or public land areas and trying out some different regulations. I'd be willing to bet the average gun hunter who wants to keep the season the way it is, would be dying to get drawn for an area that limited guns till after the rut