Originally posted by Bryan78:
Originally posted by Parke:
[b] Of course there are some people that get it but refuse to do what it takes to make it happen. Give me 2, one thousand acre tracts where one has our regs and where one has a shortened gun season that starts in December. Which one is going to be better in 5 years? It is obvious. Nobody in their right mind could get this wrong. So, I understand if u just don't wanna make a sacrifice but don't act like a change in the gun season an our regs in General would not have a positive impact on our deer.
A red hearing argument... If you are the only one hunting it, and since you can only take one buck, the results would be the same regardless of season length.... Also you failed to account for habitat, genetics, weather conditions from year to year, and deer density since no two tracts are the same....

Remember, DNR doesn't force you pull the trigger and I have seen deer on other state hunting forums and their deer were no more impressive than deer here except for a few and we have that exception here as well... [/b]
But beware there a few trying to keep the people on this forum from reading any other opinions/data that doesn't serve there "I want the guns out of November" agenda. That's all they wanted from day one!!!

Guardian Of The One Buck Rule & Gunseason
"Some people just need a good *** whoopin. It keeps the planets aligned"