Originally posted by BREW...:

Dew knows exactly what he's doing with the name calling/picking arguments posts.

He's trying to keep the people on this forum from reading any other opinions/data that doesn't serve his "I want the guns out of November" agenda. That's all he's wanted from day one. He doesn't really care about the herd overall, he just wants the gun seasons, shortened and moved. And by being disruptive he gets the threads locked/removed which is his ultimate goal.
Welp......'ol Brew......then explain to the viewing crowd why my final submission to the NRC during Prop #1 and Prop # 2 feedback periods was to BLEND both prop 1 and 2 that way both parties (IDNR and Hunters) got what they wanted!! Go read my friggin feedback that is public ya LIAR!!!

The IDNR wanted to shorten the gun season as their first choice.....the hunters wanted crossbows for all as their first choice....I backed with my feedback implementing BOTH!!!

Explain yourself now Brew.....explain that Knot in your tail and your forked tongue.

"Truth Syrum....nothing swallows harder"

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