Originally posted by Scarlett Dew:
Originally posted by delaney:
[b] To learn from history is pretty much accomplished in one or two posts. To dwell on history is worthless.
Welp......there ya go folks. We've dwelled on the 4th of July, Christmas, Pearl Harbor, 9/11, etc, etc to the point it's probably worthless. Glad to have people on the planet Delaney that peddle the idea that to focus/dwell/repeatedly point out history for their "good" or "bad" teachings .........is worthless.

Coming from a guy (delaney) that has posted often he could "care less about deer hunting".....and now wants us to view the recent history of Indiana Deer Hunting as "worthless" with no merit to keep in front of Sportsmen that are currently giving feedback to our IDNR on their feelings about deer hunting..........and will be the SAME Sportsmen that will give feedback on New Deer Regs coming in our future.

.......but the history of how this mess was crafted is "worthless" , and just to be "swept under the rug" as we forge ahead? Really!?!?!? LOL!!

I just got a Whiff of an apathetic, dodging, pot stirring, city dwelling, Teflon coated, Liberal cloaked as a Conservative person posting on this thread......

......anyone else smell that stench?!? LOL!!!

"You're not Santa....you smell like Beef and Cheese" [/b]
Dew - points could be made with a different tone and with no personal attacks. Come on man, this is silly.

Fishing and honeybee time