Originally posted by ParkerBow:
WOW!! A little touchy there big guy. Seems like you are the biggest hypocrite. You posted the below in the 2.0 thread

"No need for name calling as we are all adults here and everyone is entitled to their opinion even if it doesn't make any sense to you..."

You post that now you are calling me names???? Whats that about?? Yeah your the problem alright. You don't know me or know my situation in needing deer meat for my family. Maybe I have a daughter with health problems and cannot eat any other meat but deer meat.
By the way you won't hear me comment on any more deer issues cause I don't want to hit any more of your touchy nerves. I will just post on the trappers forum where people are considerate to each other and are willing to help each other out. It is called outdoor fellowship. You can have your rant. I don't need it!!!!!!!1
No, not touchy at all, just speaking the truth that's it... It is also apparent that Brew sees exactly what I am talking about... You are the biggest complainer on these boards when it comes to not seeing deer and then you will go out and blast every one you see and then complain when your neighbors do that same thing... You've been doing it for two years now so don't complain about everyone else shooting "all the deer" when that is exactly what you would do...

You see Parker, you are just as much as the problem as everyone else is but you are to naive to see it and don't like the fact that I pointed it out to you either and I'm quite sure that there quite a few people on here that agree with me... I guarantee next year if a doe walks out you won't hesitate one bit to shoot it cause if you need it to feed your family like you said then you would be a fool to pass on it... I'm tired of everyone pointing the finger and blaming everyone else for not seeing deer then go out and blast everything they see...Also, I haven't taken a deer in two years and I don't have to take one either it doesn't matter to me any cause I don't have to take one to have a successful and meaningful hunt...

The only reason why everyone on the trapping forums gets along so well is because everyone who post on this website all want to see coyotes eradicated... Wouldn't hurt my feelings one bit if coyotes went extinct right along with geese... I love it when guys post pics of dead geese and coyotes...Wish they could slaughter more of them...

As for the name calling... There is a huge difference between calling somebody a dip**** and a hypocrite...

Finally as for your daughter.... You truly have my sympathy for whatever it is she is suffering from (because I have a 11yr old niece who is battling a rare brain tumor) and I do wish the very best for her...