WOW!! A little touchy there big guy. Seems like you are the biggest hypocrite. You posted the below in the 2.0 thread

"No need for name calling as we are all adults here and everyone is entitled to their opinion even if it doesn't make any sense to you..."

You post that now you are calling me names???? Whats that about?? Yeah your the problem alright. You don't know me or know my situation in needing deer meat for my family. Maybe I have a daughter with health problems and cannot eat any other meat but deer meat.
By the way you won't hear me comment on any more deer issues cause I don't want to hit any more of your touchy nerves. I will just post on the trappers forum where people are considerate to each other and are willing to help each other out. It is called outdoor fellowship. You can have your rant. I don't need it!!!!!!!1